Karianne Peterson, DVM, PhD, Grad. Cert. in UL&T, EBVS® European Specialist in Small Ruminant Health Management
"As a European specialist in Small Ruminant Health Management I am committed to improve sheep and goat health and welfare, in the interest of animals, human health and the environment. Small ruminant health and welfare are key for a healthy future for both the production and hobby sectors. Royal GD is the place to be for me, working within a team of like-minded equally devoted veterinarians, animal scientists, laboratory scientists, and more. The combination of field work, monitoring & surveillance, networking, (contract) research, and teaching comes together in collecting, collating, analytics and dissemination of knowledge."
Since 2011 Karianne has been working at the Small Ruminant Health Department of Royal GD, Deventer, the Netherlands. Her work consists of monitoring, project management, research and consultancy. In 2013 she became a Diplomate of the European College of Small Ruminant Health Management.
Before that Karianne worked for four years at the School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia, as lecturer ruminant health and production. She also acted as a member of the School Board and Curriculum Committee as well as a broad acre (predominantly sheep) farming consultant within the Fred Morley Centre. She gained a Graduate Certificate in University Learning & Teaching.
After graduation in 2000 Karianne worked in reproduction and clinical pathophysiology at the Department of Farm Animal Health, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. In 2007 she successfully defended her PhD-thesis “Aspects of Reproduction and Lentivirus Epidemiology in Small Ruminants”.
Fields of expertise:
- Infectious diseases: MVV, CAEV, CLA, Paratuberculosis
- Metabolic disorders: (trace)minerals
- Diagnostics
- Goat health management
- Sheep health management
Karianne Peterson produced a variety of publications
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