
Erhard van der Vries (1980) is a molecular biologist (RUG, Groningen, 2006) who obtained his PhD in clinical virology in the lab of Albert Osterhaus and Charles Boucher (EMC, Rotterdam, 2014), on a thesis entitled Influenza Resistance to Antiviral Drugs. One of his main achievements during his PhD was the elucidation of a novel virus resistance mechanism by X-ray crystallography during an externship at the Crick institute (London, 2013). After his PhD he was employed as a postdoctoral fellow at the EMC to continue his work on a global influenza surveillance study.
From 2015-2017 he was appointed as a project leader at the newly established Research Center for Emerging Infections and Zoonoses (RIZ). At the RIZ, he built up a influenza lab from scratch to study influenza-host interactions and established a virus discovery pipeline using next-generation sequencing technology. After receiving personal grants from the Volkswagen Foundation (2016-2019) and Sequris (ongoing) he continued his research with his team at the Departments of Virology and Clinical Chemistry & Hematology at the University (Medical Center) Utrecht (NL) focusing on the interactions between viruses and the host (immune) cells.
Since 2019, Erhard is appointed as a senior scientist at Royal GD. He mainly focuses on the development of new molecular and virology assays
Fields of expertise:
- Zoonotic diseases
- Monitoring and surveillance
- Virus discovery
- Molecular diagnostics and next-generation sequencing
PhD Thesis
Spijkerman R, Jorritsma NK, Bongers SH, Bindels BJ, Jukema BN, Hesselink L, Hietbrink F, Leenen LP, van Goor HM, Vrisekoop N: An increase in CD62Ldim neutrophils precedes the development of pulmonary embolisms in COVID‐19 patients. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 2021:e13023.
2. Overeem NJ, van der Vries E, Huskens J: A Dynamic, Supramolecular View on the Multivalent Interaction between Influenza Virus and Host Cell. Small 2021:2007214.
3. Clark CC, Jukema BN, Barendrecht AD, Spanjaard JS, Jorritsma NK, Smits S, De Maat S, Seinen CW, Verhoef S, Parr NM: Thrombotic events in COVID-19 are associated with a lower use of prophylactic anticoagulation before hospitalization and followed by decreases in platelet reactivity. Frontiers in Medicine 2021, 8:508.
4. Overeem NJ, Hamming PE, Grant OC, Di Iorio D, Tieke M, Bertolino MC, Li Z, Vos Gl, De Vries RP, Woods RJ: Hierarchical Multivalent Effects Control Influenza Host Specificity. ACS central science 2020, 6(12):2311-2318.
5. Jansen AG, Spaan T, Low HZ, Di Iorio D, Van Den Brand J, Tieke M, Barendrecht A, Rohn K, Van Amerongen G, Stittelaar K: Influenza-induced thrombocytopenia is dependent on the subtype and sialoglycan receptor and increases with virus pathogenicity. Blood advances 2020, 4(13):2967-2978.
6. Herfst S, Zhang J, Richard M, McBride R, Lexmond P, Bestebroer TM, Spronken MI, de Meulder D, van den Brand JM, Rosu ME: Hemagglutinin traits determine transmission of avian A/H10N7 influenza virus between mammals. Cell Host & Microbe 2020, 28(4):602-613. e607.
7. Driedonks TA, Mol S, de Bruin S, Peters A-L, Zhang X, Lindenbergh MF, Beuger BM, van Stalborch A-MD, Spaan T, de Jong EC: Y-RNA subtype ratios in plasma extracellular vesicles are cell type-specific and are candidate biomarkers for inflammatory diseases. Journal of extracellular vesicles 2020, 9(1):1764213.
8. Du W, Guo H, Nijman VS, Doedt J, van der Vries E, van der Lee J, Li Z, Boons G-J, van Kuppeveld FJ, de Vries E: The 2nd sialic acid-binding site of influenza A virus neuraminidase is an important determinant of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase-receptor balance. PLoS pathogens 2019, 15(6):e1007860.
9. Di Iorio D, Verheijden ML, Van Der Vries E, Jonkheijm P, Huskens J: Weak multivalent binding of influenza hemagglutinin nanoparticles at a sialoglycan-functionalized supported lipid bilayer. ACS nano 2019, 13(3):3413-3423.
10. Brinkmann A, Andrusch A, Belka A, Wylezich C, Höper D, Pohlmann A, Petersen TN, Lucas P, Blanchard Y, Papa A: Proficiency testing of virus diagnostics based on bioinformatics analysis of simulated in silico high-throughput sequencing data sets. Journal of clinical microbiology 2019, 57(8).
11. Roosenhoff R, van der Vries E, van der Linden A, van Amerongen G, Stittelaar KJ, Smits SL, Schutten M, Fouchier RA: Influenza A/H3N2 virus infection in immunocompromised ferrets and emergence of antiviral resistance. PloS one 2018, 13(7):e0200849.
12. Piewbang C, Jo WK, Puff C, van der Vries E, Kesdangsakonwut S, Rungsipipat A, Kruppa J, Jung K, Baumgärtner W, Techangamsuwan S: Novel canine circovirus strains from Thailand: Evidence for genetic recombination. Scientific reports 2018, 8(1):1-9.
13. Piewbang C, Jo WK, Puff C, Ludlow M, van der Vries E, Banlunara W, Rungsipipat A, Kruppa J, Jung K, Techangamsuwan S: Canine bocavirus type 2 infection associated with intestinal lesions. Veterinary pathology 2018, 55(3):434-441.
14. Pfankuche VM, Jo WK, van der Vries E, Jungwirth N, Lorenzen S, Osterhaus AD, Baumgärtner W, Puff C: Neuronal vacuolization in feline panleukopenia virus infection. Veterinary pathology 2018, 55(2):294-297.
15. Lehmbecker A, Zind L, Wolf P, Bahrenberg P, Mandischer C, van der Vries E, Lei WJ, Osterhaus A, Baumgärtner W: Blindness and Sudden Death in Turkeys. Journal of Comparative Pathology 2018, 158:102.
16. Kruppa J, Jo WK, van der Vries E, Ludlow M, Osterhaus A, Baumgaertner W, Jung K: Virus detection in high-throughput sequencing data without a reference genome of the host. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2018, 66:180-187.
17. Jo WK, Pfankuche VM, Lehmbecker A, Martina B, Rubio-Garcia A, Becker S, Kruppa J, Jung K, Klotz D, Metzger J: Association of batai virus infection and encephalitis in Harbor Seals, Germany, 2016. Emerging infectious diseases 2018, 24(9):1691.
18. Hülskötter K, Pfankuche V, Rocksin A, Junginger J, Lei W, Vries E, Kruppa J, Baumgaertner W, Wohlsein P: Feline progressive histiocytosis-a case report with a review of the literature. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 2018, 105(1/2):41-47.
19. van der Vries E, Ison MG: Antiviral resistance in influenza viruses: clinical and epidemiological aspects. In: Antimicrobial Drug Resistance. Springer, Cham; 2017: 1165-1183.
20. Kruppa J, van der Vries E, Jo WK, Postel A, Becher P, Osterhaus A, Jung K: kmerPyramid: an interactive visualization tool for nucleobase and k-mer frequencies. Bioinformatics 2017, 33(19):3115-3116.
21. Jo WK, Pfankuche VM, Petersen H, Frei S, Kummrow M, Lorenzen S, Ludlow M, Metzger J, Baumgärtner W, Osterhaus A: New avian hepadnavirus in palaeognathous bird, Germany. Emerging infectious diseases 2017, 23(12):2089.
22. Jo WK, Grilo ML, Wohlsein P, Andersen-Ranberg EU, Hansen MS, Kinze CC, Hjulsager CK, Olsen MT, Lehnert K, Prenger-Berninghoff E: Dolphin morbillivirus in a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) in Denmark, 2016. Journal of wildlife diseases 2017, 53(4):921-924.
23. Jansen G, Low H, van den Brand J, van Riel D, van der Vries E: Uptake of influenza virus by platelets occurs via phagocytosis. Blood 2017, 130(Suppl 1):4834.
24. Gatti L, Zhang JD, Anisimova M, Schutten M, Osterhaus A, van der Vries E: Cross-reactive immunity drives global oscillation and opposed alternation patterns of seasonal influenza A viruses. bioRxiv 2017:226613.
25. van der Vries E, Ip DK, Cowling BJ, Zhang JD, Tong X, Wojtowicz K, Schutten M, Boucher CA: Outcomes and susceptibility to neuraminidase inhibitors in individuals infected with different influenza B lineages: the influenza resistance information study. The Journal of infectious diseases 2016, 213(2):183-190.
26. Stittelaar KJ, De Waal L, Van Amerongen G, Veldhuis Kroeze EJ, Fraaij PL, Van Baalen CA, Van Kampen JJ, Van der Vries E, Osterhaus AD, De Swart RL: Ferrets as a novel animal model for studying human respiratory syncytial virus infections in immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. Viruses 2016, 8(6):168.
27. Osterhaus AD, Schutten M, Van der Vries E, Zhang JD, Boucher CA, Anisimova M, Gatti L: As a stone thrown in a still pond: predicting human influenza epidemiological dynamics after 2009 A/pH1N1 pandemic explosion. In: ZHAW-Forum «Health & Life Sciences», Wädenswil, 2016: 2016.
28. Jansen AG, Low HZ, van den Brand J, van Riel D, Osterhaus A, van der Vries E: Platelets can phagocytose influenza virus which may contribute to the occurrence of thrombocytopenia during influenza infection. In.: American Society of Hematology Washington, DC; 2016.
29. van Essen G, Openshaw P, Myles P, Monto A, van der Vries E: How should influenza be treated? Focus on antivirals. Vaccine 2015, 33(49):7033-7036.
30. Bodewes R, Bestebroer TM, van der Vries E, Verhagen JH, Herfst S, Koopmans MP, Fouchier RA, Pfankuche VM, Wohlsein P, Siebert U: Avian influenza A (H10N7) virus–associated mass deaths among harbor seals. Emerging infectious diseases 2015, 21(4):720.
31. van Riel D, Leijten LM, Verdijk RM, GeurtsvanKessel C, van der Vries E, van Rossum AM, Osterhaus AD, Kuiken T: Evidence for influenza virus CNS invasion along the olfactory route in an immunocompromised infant. The Journal of infectious diseases 2014, 210(3):419-423.
32. van der Vries E: Influenza Resistance to Antiviral Drugs: Virus characterization, mechanism and clinical impact. 2014.
33. Van Baalen C, Els C, Sprong L, van Beek R, van der Vries E, Osterhaus A, Rimmelzwaan G: Detection of non-hemagglutinating influenza A (H3) viruses by ELISA in quantitative influenza virus culture. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2014.
34. van der Vries E, Stittelaar KJ, van Amerongen G, Kroeze EJV, de Waal L, Fraaij PL, Meesters RJ, Luider TM, van der Nagel B, Koch B: Prolonged influenza virus shedding and emergence of antiviral resistance in immunocompromised patients and ferrets. PLoS Pathog 2013, 9(5):e1003343.
35. van der Vries E, Schutten M, Fraaij P, Boucher C, Osterhaus A: Influenza virus resistance to antiviral therapy. Advances in pharmacology 2013, 67:217-246.
36. van der Vries E, Ip D, Reed V, Tong X, Wojtowicz K, Boucher C: Susceptibility of influenza B viruses to neuraminidase inhibitors: findings from the first 4 years (2008–2012) of the global Influenza Resistance Information Study (IRIS). In: ISIRV Options-8 Conference: 2013. International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases ….
37. van der Vries E, Anber J, van der Linden A, Wu Y, Maaskant J, Stadhouders R, van Beek R, Rimmelzwaan G, Osterhaus A, Boucher C: Molecular assays for quantitative and qualitative detection of influenza virus and oseltamivir resistance mutations. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2013, 15(3):347-354.
38. Fraaij PL, van der Vries E, Osterhaus AD: Reply to chan-tack et Al. The Journal of infectious diseases 2013, 207(1):198-199.
39. Van Der Vries E, Collins PJ, Vachieri SG, Xiong X, Liu J, Walker PA, Haire LF, Hay AJ, Schutten M, Osterhaus AD: H1N1 2009 pandemic influenza virus: resistance of the I223R neuraminidase mutant explained by kinetic and structural analysis. PLoS Pathog 2012, 8(9):e1002914.
40. Fraaij PL, van der Vries E, Osterhaus AD: Reply to Chan-Tack: Treatment of severely ill influenza infected patients. Please notice the immune compromised. 2012.
41. van der Vries E, Veldhuis Kroeze E, Stittelaar K, Linster M, Van der Linden A: Multidrug resistant 2009 A. H1N1 Influenza Clinical Isolate with 2011.
42. van der Vries E, Schutten M, Boucher CA: The potential for multidrug-resistant influenza. Current opinion in infectious diseases 2011, 24(6):599-604.
43. van der Vries E, Kroeze EJV, Stittelaar KJ, Linster M, Van der Linden A, Schrauwen EJ, Leijten LM, van Amerongen G, Schutten M, Kuiken T: Multidrug resistant 2009 A/H1N1 influenza clinical isolate with a neuraminidase I223R mutation retains its virulence and transmissibility in ferrets. PLoS Pathog 2011, 7(9):e1002276.
44. Van Der Vries E: Emergence of a Multidrug-Resistant Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus (vol 363, pg 1381, 2010). New England Journal of Medicine 2011, 364(12):1182-1182.
45. Meijer A, Jonges M, Abbink F, Ang W, van Beek J, Beersma M, Bloembergen P, Boucher C, Claas E, Donker G: Oseltamivir-resistant pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 influenza viruses detected through enhanced surveillance in the Netherlands, 2009–2010. Antiviral research 2011, 92(1):81-89.
46. Fraaij P, van der Vries E, Beersma M, Riezebos-Brilman A, Niesters H, Van der Eijk A, De Jong M, Reis Miranda D, Horrevorts A, Ridwan B: Evaluation of the antiviral response to zanamivir administered intravenously for treatment of critically ill patients with pandemic influenza A (H1N1) infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011, 204(5):777-782.
47. van der Vries E, Stelma FF, Boucher CA: Emergence of a multidrug-resistant pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus. New England Journal of Medicine 2010, 363(14):1381-1382.
48. Van Der Vries E, Schutten M: Satisfying the need for rapid diagnosis of new variant influenza A H1N1. Expert review of molecular diagnostics 2010, 10(3):251-253.
49. van der Vries E, Jonges M, Herfst S, Maaskant J, Van der Linden A, Guldemeester J, Aron G, Bestebroer T, Koopmans M, Meijer A: Evaluation of a rapid molecular algorithm for detection of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus and screening for a key oseltamivir resistance (H275Y) substitution in neuraminidase. Journal of Clinical Virology 2010, 47(1):34-37.
50. Jonges M, Liu WM, van der Vries E, Jacobi R, Pronk I, Boog C, Koopmans M, Meijer A, Soethout E: Influenza virus inactivation for studies of antigenicity and phenotypic neuraminidase inhibitor resistance profiling. Journal of clinical microbiology 2010, 48(3):928-940.
51. van der Vries E, Stadhouders R, Diepstraten-Pas S, Schutten M: P. 070 A rapid real-time PCR assay for detection of oseltamivir resistance mutations in influenza A/H1N1 and H3N2 neuraminidase. Journal of Clinical Virology 2009, 44:S32.
52. van der Vries E, van den Berg B, Schutten M: Fatal oseltamivir-resistant influenza virus infection. New England Journal of Medicine 2008, 359(10):1074-1076.
53. van der Vries E, Jonges M, Meijer A, Boucher C: Profylaxe en therapie van influenzavirusinfecties: waakzaamheid is geboden. NEDERLANDS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR MEDISCHE MICROBIOLOGIE 2008, 16(4):19-23.
54. Van Der Sluis EO, Van Der Vries E, Berrelkamp G, Nouwen N, Driessen AJ: Topologically fixed SecG is fully functional. Journal of bacteriology 2006, 188(3):1188-1190.