Lucía Dieste Pérez, DVM, MSc, PhD
''Since the beginning of my scientific career, I have been particularly interested in the development of new diagnostic tests to enhance epidemiological surveillance strategies of (emerging) infectious diseases, specially focused on swine. As a swine veterinarian performing research at Royal GD, I really like to keep in touch with the field in order to focus our research on finding practical solutions for the swine sector.'' Lucía Dieste Pérez
I'm originally form Zaragoza, Spain and graduated as DVM and MSc in Initiation in Veterinary Science Research by the University of Zaragoza in 2009 and 2010, respectively. After 5 years working as research assistant in the animal health department at the Agrifood Research and Technology Centre of Aragon (CITA), Spain, in 2015 I obtained the PhD degree with the thesis entitled “Swine brucellosis due to Brucella suis biovar 2: development of indirect diagnostic tests and control strategies”. In 2015 I came to The Netherlands and worked during two years at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht, involved in research and education on swine health and management.
Since 2017 I'm working at the swine department of GD, performing applied research as main task. It's my aim to apply my knowledge and experience on diagnostics, epidemiology, swine medicine and recently on oral microbiome, to improve pig health and to enable early detection and prevention of pig diseases. In addition, I'm following a European specialisation training on porcine health management.
Fields of expertise:
- Swine health
- Diagnostics
- Brucella suis
- Microbiome
Lucía Dieste Pérez has produced a varity of publications
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