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Packaging instructions for liquid substances
- The primary receptacle(s) must be leak-proof and must not contain more than 1 L.
Primary receptacle
- The secondary packing must be leak-proof.
- If multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they must be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.
- Absorbent material must be placed between the primary receptacle and the secondary packaging. The absorbent material, such as cotton wool, must be in sufficient quantity to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) so that any release of the liquid substance will not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or the outer packaging.
- The primary receptacle or the secondary packing must be capable of withstanding without leakage an internal pressure of 95 kPa in the range of -40°C to +55°C (-40°F to 130°F).
Secondary packaging
- The outer packing must not contain more than 4L. This quantity excludes ice, dry ice, or liquid nitrogen when used to keep specimens cold.
Outer packing